Minggu, 06 Juli 2008

Welcome to www.sportsscientists.com

The Science of Sport takes another step forward

This is just a very short post to update all of our readers about a new step we have taken here at The Science of Sport. We have continued to grow each month of our 15-month existence, adding more subscribers and visitors each month that goes by. So thanks to all of you who keep on coming back, and to all of our news readers who subscribe each day. And now we are pleased to announce that we now have our own domain name!


Recently some of you may have now noticed that the address in your browser now reads www.sportsscientists.com. While we hope this gives us more recognition and helps build our "brand," we can say that thanks to the work of Blogger and Google this transition is entirely seamless for you and also for us. That means the move to the new domain name does not affect anyone. If your browser was bookmarked at http://scienceofsport.blogspot.com, then Blogger will simply redirect you to the new site. So there is absolutely nothing you must do to continue receiving our content here on the blog or via email!

An action-packed sporting period

Meanwhile, we will admittedly struggle to keep pace with all the happenings in the world of sport. For two guys with day jobs and with Jonathan's first baby arriving any day now (and we mean any day!), posting on the USA Track and Field Olympic Trials, USA Swimming Olympic Trials, Kenyan Olympic trials, Euro 2008, Wimbledon, and the Tour de France will prove too much to cover in a timely fashion. So apologies now, we will try to keep pace, but know now that some of the news and analysis will slip through the cracks. The Science of Sport is indeed a passion for us, but also a part-time endeavor for now.

We are watching it all, however, and will post on what we can each week. It is an exciting time for sports especially with Beijing now only about four weeks away!

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