Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Edinburgh and ACSM: the journey begins

Edinburgh Sevens and the American College of Sports Medicine

I am writing this from the departure gate of flight 234 to London, which, ash-cloud willing, will carry me to London tomorrow.  There, I catch a train to Edinburgh where I will be linking up with the SA Sevens rugby team for the weekend's tournament, the last of the 2011 season.

Then on Tuesday, I fly to Denver for the American College of Sports Medicine's annual meeting.  I am presenting on Friday 3rd, in a highlighted symposium on Pacing Strategy and Fatigue.  That meeting lasts four days and is the most concentrated gathering of sports science in the world, so they will be a full four days.

Time will therefore be tight, and so doing longer posts here on the site is unlikely.  However, that's the reason we've set up a new Facebook page, and also our Twitter account, so that we can keep the Science of Sport going through links, brief opinions and some discussion.

While in Edinburgh and at ACSM, I will do my best to post on the Facebook site as regularly as I can.  Interesting studies, practical application, some thought and opinion.  Same goes for Twitter.

So if you have not already done so, jump onto our Facebook Fan Page and "like" it now, and you'll be in the loop from Denver and Scotland.  Our Twitter feed can be found here, where I link to things like articles of the week, news pieces on current affairs and so forth!

As always, we welcome dialouge, and so if you are in Denver, of if you like the look of any of the sessions at ACSM, let me know and I'll see what I can report back on!

Take care, and see you on the social media!


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